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The Vault: Classic Music Reviews Podcast (152) - Wu-Tang Clan: Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) (1993

The crew reviews the almighty *Wu-Tang Clan* and their iconic classic debut album Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) as it turns 30. After doing what seemed the impossible to assemble a supergroup of emcees hailing from Staten Island and Brooklyn, the collective gained major notoriety with their debut single "Protect Your Neck". Word and a buzz began to grow.

The group, which was lead by creative guidance of executive producer and member *RZA* , drew acclaim for their unique approach to hip-hop music: Utilizing a martial arts motif gained from 70s kung-fu flicks and legends mixed with rugged street tales from the 90s New York City and a mixture of gems of knowledge and Supreme Mathematics from the Five Percent Nation (which many of the group were members), they excelled of their raw lyrical ability over dusty, yet refined soul samples with a heavy dose of hard percussion. Critics and fans all over were amazed.

The album featured the fellow singles that were noteworthy: the timeless "C.R.E.A.M (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)" and the cult classic hit "Could It Be So Simple". Supporting these singles were a strong a set of album tracks that became almost as recognizable and classic as their radio worthy counterparts. As of 2023, it is almost 4x platinum and been recognized by many publications and organizations as one of the best 20 hip-hop albums of all-time. In 2022, it was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". It is also noted as an album that was the backbone of the East Coast hip-hop renaissance of the mid 90s along with Enta Da Stage , Illmatic , Ready To Die , The Sun Rises In The East and others.

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*Show Notes*

*The Conversation: 'Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" Turns 30*

*Albumism: Wu-Tang Clan's Debut "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" Turns 30 | Album Anniversary*

*NPR (All Things Considered): Revisiting "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)" 30 Years Later*

*HypeBeast: RZA Announces "(36 Chambers) 30th Anniversary Shows*